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Why is ALGAL special?


ALGAL is grown in patented glass tubes to protect against environmental contamination, by co_cc781905-5cde-3194_bb3b-136dbadALGAL jest free from any contaminationand for that it absorbs any other toxins from your body.


Your body will start to function properly, this translates into your daily positive well-being._cc781905-5cde-136d58_bb3bf-136d58_bb3bf


ALGALhas in its spectrum of action removal of toxins and heavy metals, as well as the supply of vitamin A, beta-carotene, vitamin B12, iron and various essential amino acids.

It also contains B vitamins, vitamin C, calcium, natural iodine, magnesium, zinc and copper, as well as unsaturated fatty acids. life energies.


The way the preparation worksALGALis two-phase:


First, it mobilizes mercury in the connective tissue. The mercury is then passed on to the blood vessels and finally goes to the intestines, either directly through the intestinal mucosa or via secreted bile.


Then ALGAL, which is also found in the intestine and has a very strong property to bind heavy metals, neutralizes and binds toxic mercury, so that it is not reabsorbed into the body, but safely excreted in the faeces. This mechanism brings about a huge energy leap and excellent well-being.

ALGALI also bind other substances in the gut such as PCBs, insecticides etc.


You will feel in no time after regular use whole body improvement.






SKU: 78552
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